Monday, September 23, 2013

This has been a confusing, and confining year. Can't explain why exactly but my body has just let me down.
So, as always, perhaps next year will be better.
When I came home from Oregon, Tag told me that I had has some hens getting out regularly, he had cought them and put them up. It has happened to me twice since I have been home. But yesterday, Sam cought one and gave it to Jan quite willingly and I am happy that Sam has a good Labrador soft touch mouth. But--- when I found it in the garden where Jan had thrown it, my sweet brown hen has a hurt leg. I don't know how bad yet. She has lots of strength and try yet and has not completely givin in to the resigned dying chicken syndrome.
But I knew then that I had to do something, and fixing the fence wasn't in the picture. I have fell a couple of times in the garden already this week and that is scary, in the dark and also the twisted overgrown wilderness that is up there. After pondering my options, calling Tag to see if he could help me and not finding him home, I thought down deep- Do I still want chickens. I have to cut the cost here. What do I do.
Finally I prayed that I would still be able to take care of things in my life and that God would walk with me and protect me, then dressed to move chickens and praying again went up on the hill to do it.
I moved slowly, easily and with surety and kept catching, carrying, dusting and penning them and in about half an hour had all 17- 20 of them caught and repenned in the greenhouse, watered and fed. Life was great.
Thank you father.
On Friday, I went up and pulled half a Pig Pen Garden full of deadly nightshade and got it out of there. It is not all gone, but the front patch by the gate that Ashton was so interested in the berries is gone. They were so lushious and shinny  and I was afraid that he might not believe my efforts to convince him that they were deadly, so they had to go and fast.

Now maybe I can find a new patch of something to pull and start the fall preparation of putting the garden to bed-- before it gets to cold to want to be out in it.

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