Thursday, November 8, 2012

Catch Up

On Tuesday Nov the 6th, I looked at the cracked from the water, sour from the temperature tomatoes, grabbed a very tight head of cabbage from the garden and turned the left condo of chickens into the  West, goat pen, and East corridor and old duck pen section of the garden. I set their water outside so that I could refresh it from the gate and put a pan for feed on their porch. The birds keep flogging their housing anyway.
It is supposed to freeze tonight Nov the 8th and so plan to let them roam and have fun for a week or so and then start putting them into the greenhouse quarters for the winter. This way, I don't have to make excuses for not cleaning the garden or mulching or anything.
Lionel finished putting in a frost free pump for the greenhouse, cleaned up the horse corrals some and piled up a big load of manure for the rain to ruin. I need to get busy, but really, my health isn't so good right now and now ambition to garden. Its scary.

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